
12월 5,6(토,일) 연습함.

12월 12일(토)에 촬영한 장면 - 2~5,

12월 19일(토) 촬영할 장면 =>   1,6~8


많은 기도와 관심부탁합니다.




1: Hello, everyone. Nice to meet you.

Everyone: We go to Hu-am church every sunday!

2: Today, we are going to know about Jesus.

3: Who is Jesus?

4: Jesus is our King.

5: Jesus was born with holy sprit by Mary.

6: He is our friend.

7: Really? How can he be our friend? I cant believe it.

8: I really love Jesus, but I dont know about him.

Everyone: We want to know more about Jesus!

9: OK. Lets know about him! Shall we go?

Everyone: Yeah!



 (The kids are doing Rock, scissors and paper)

J: It looks fun. May I join with you?

1~2: No!

J: OK! Enjoy your time!

10: When we hang out with friends, he is with us.




7: (떡볶이를 먹고 있다) Its really spicy. Do you want to try it?

8: Its very hot. But I love 떡볶이. Yummy. Yummy.

J: Is it delicious?

7~8: Yeah!

J: OK~ Help yourself!

3: When we eat food, Jesus is with us!



4: Do you know that 동건 dates with 고소영?

5: 장동건 is handsome and 고소영 is pretty woman. Thats very fantastic!

7: Did you know that now? I know it 2 weeks ago.

J: How about talking about me now?

6: When we talk with friends, he is with us!



주인: May I take your order?

8: Is there a potato pizza?

주인: Yes. Which do you want? Regular or large?

8: Regular size please!

J: Why dont you eat at home? Your mom loves pizza, you know.

9: When we order food, Jesus is with us.




10: Im prettier than you.

1: What? You are shorter than me! You are a loser!

10: What? Thats why you dont have any friends.

1: What? Do you want to die?

J: No! Dont fight! Fighting is not good! You should get along with your friend.

2: Even though when we fight, Jesus is with us.




3: God! Im so sad. My friend will go to another school.

J: Dont be sad. Im always with you! Im your friend forever.

3: Really? Thank you so much! (안긴다)

4: Jesus hears our prayer.




5: Whatever we do, Jesus is with us!

6: Today is Jesus birthday. How about having some party?

7: Happy birthday, Jesus!

8: Happy Christmas!

9: Today is really happy day! Praise the Lord! 

Everyone: Marry Christmas!