
정혜진 2007.06.10 10:34:30
다들 수고하셈~^^&

Introduce your self;
Let me introduce myself.
My name is Tim Smith.     I’m Smith.
When you introduce another people at the first;
This is Sujin.
(It’s)Good (Nice) to meet you.
(I’m)Glad (Happy) to meet you.
I wanted to see you.
안녕; Hi! Hello! What’s up?
잘 지내세요; How are you(doing)?/ How’s it going?/ How have you been?
어디서 오셨어요? ;
잘 가; See you (again<later>). (Good)Bye. Take care. So long. Have a good <great, nice> day.
사실 묘사하기
~이 있다; There is a nice boy in my class. / There are three bedrooms in my apartment.
~이 있니? ; Is there any computers in my classroom?
Do you have any question?
How many people are there in my room? / How much milk is there in the bottle?
날씨가 어때? What’s the weather like in Seoul? – It’s hot and humid.
몇 시에요? – What time is it? – It’s three o’clock.
몇 일입니까? – What is the date (today)? – It’s March 5th.
좋아하는 것 묻기  
가장 좋아하는 음악은 뭐니? ; What’s your favorite music? What’s music do you like (most/best)?
-Pop music is my favorite. / I like pop music (most/ best).
무엇을 마시고 싶니? / 무엇을 먹을래? ; What do you want to be? / What is your future dream?
– I want to be a fashion designer.
경험 묻기
~은 어땠어? How was the party? / How was your weekend?/ How was your summer vacation?
~에 무엇을 했니? What did you do there? / What did you do yesterday?/ What did you do last weekend?
아주 재미있었어. It was a lot of fun. / I had lots of fun. / I had a good (great) time.
나이 직업 관계 묻기
~가 몇 살이니?; How old are you? How old is he/ she?
무슨 일을 하니?; What do you do (for a living)? / What does he (she) do? / What’s your job?
이 사람이 누구입니까?; Who is he(she) / Who is this?
Thank you (very/so much). Thanks (a lot). You are so sweet.
~에 대해서 감사; Thank you for coming./ Thank you for your help. / It’s so kind (nice) of you to do so. / I appreciate your help.
천만에요.; You’re welcome./ (It’s)My pleasure. / Not at all. / Don’t mention it. / No problem.
계획 의지 말하기                      
내일 무엇을 할 계획이야? What are you planning to do tomorrow? / What are you going to do tomorrow? / What will you do tomorrow?
난 조부모 님 댁 갈 계획야 ; I’m planning to visit my grandparents this weekend. / I’m going to visit grandparents this summer.
사과하고 답하기
죄송합니다 ; I’m sorry. /Forgive me. /Excuse me. /I apologize for being late.
괜찮아요; That’s all right./ That’s OK. /No problem. / Don’t worry (about it).