
I just need your help^_____________^
We are family in the Jesus Christ, as you know. Please pray for like this.,
Almighty God!!
Please, open lslam people their mind in Jesus..
They just drop by here in Samaria where I and Mr,yang works, so eat and learn English. And then?? They go back home...  I want them to accept and know Jesus in their lives.. and they are discouraged by unemployed and rejected... Greek also aren;t glad about them... To tell the truth, they that came from others country are treated forsaken people... So Mr.yang alway has to be their adviser and counseller..  It's not so easy.. Even though they who are lslam don't tell me anything except greeting while I'm workimg, because I'm a woman...U-.-U Their society is different compared with Korea.. Woman is lower than man...  

  They don't know how much God love and bless them.. Some of them wants to earn something useful...(like money or some helps). You know, he has nothing.. just rely on almighty God!! ::ToT::  What a pity...
One of them said "We believe same God.. It doesn't matter!"  how poor it is....
If they don't know about Jesus it cannot be happy life... nothingless....useless...

I also want our missionary to be fullfilled all the time, not stressfull(economically,phsically,mentally)
OK?? My english is so poor.. Please understand me!!^^*