흠..... 여기서 comment 란 표현은 적절하지 않지요! message 란 표현이 더 좋을 듯.
그리고 miss 앞에 are은 필요가 없지요? 아니, 없어야 되죠!
음... 그리고... everyone은 단수라는 걸 명심! are 이 아니라 is!
그리고.... refreshing 에 대한 번역은 시원한 이라기 보다는 기운을 돋아주는, 분위기를 바꿔주는, 상쾌하게 해주는, 뭐 이정도가 되지 않을까요?
Sorry, Pastor Hwan and brother Sangryong! I don't mean to pick on you.
But... but..... PLEASE~~~~ try to use at least correct grammar and deliver correct meaning when translating! Hehehehe You may want to be good models for 청년들.
Pastor Hwan!! You may need to work more on your English!!! Hehehe More effort is required!!!!
Brother Sangryong, too!!!
Still, good try!!! I actually encourage that!!
It'll be helpful to vision trip! At least at the airport English is useful!
God's peace!!
ps) 음.... 이러다가 정말 한국 들어가면 갈굼 엄청 당하는건 아닌지....
그래도!!! I have to say what I have to say!!!!
we are miss you. u ~ wuk!!!
come back quickly, you have many jobs
everyone are tired, we need your refreshing smile!!