
오은영 1999.03.17 22:17:00


『후암교회-자유게시판 (go SGHUAMCH)』 179번
 제  목:[은영]                                                     
 올린이:ohapril (오은영  )    99/03/17 22:17    읽음:  7 관련자료 없음

Love. Poets write about it. Families expect it. Yet, each of them

seems to be talking about different things. However, they have one

thing in common: they are all extreme emotions which can sometimes

turn very quickly into hate. And if love and hatred are two sides of

the same coin, then complete indifference is the true antonym of

them both. Because it's only when we cannot get any response from loved

ones that we truly feel like contacting with them. I only hope to

change my mind. And I pray for me.

배낀 글입니다... 하하... 제실력이 어련하려구요...

하지만 맘에 와닿았습니다. 영어인데도 불구하고...

아플때는 모르겠지만 다 낫게 되면 뒤돌아보며 웃을수 있겠죠.

시련도 주시지만 탈출구도 주신것 같아서 다행입니다.

