
미운오리새끼 2010.02.26 00:32:26

Oh~~ everybody came to here, in ?Yeram!! Wecome!! hehehehe ^_____________________^=

Seeing you guys through this internet web program, I felt happy! Why??

I felt like that everything goes well with our Lord, Christ^^& hehehehehehehe

The reason I write in English is our pastor suggested that it looks good to write in other languages ^^+  

I am really good follower, I wish ^^ hehehe therefore....


If u don't like it, tell me directly! I will consider it again! No matter what you say, I will think about it! hehehe *^_^*

Fortunatly, I like that people have been already adapted by my style!! I've been shown like this charactor all the time as well,

so that many of you understand, don't you?? (I'm also ready to accept you as my brother and my sister spritually)

How generous you are!

This is our community which are really blessed and covered with His Love!!

I really wish that our church would be like that, I know that it is is just beginning of relationship!!

Anyway, let's get along with other sisters and brothers, in particular I highly and strongly  recommand  we would rather appoach

new comers than people whom we've known so far~~!! I know that it is very shy to access.

 Anyhow I also need to struggle  in order to do that. Conductind  old habit is very easy and natual for all of us, why not...

It seemes to be very unchagable for us, nevertheless all things are possible in Christ!

Our old habit should be broken up and renew that's what God want us to do!

So as to do this, we need an innovation wholly by Holy Spirit, but I think every single time we attempt to do.

Some do, I know! Even we can't see surficially~~


Let's keep in touch!  on and on and on.............


We are Jesus Generation!!  ♥^________________^♥

읽다가 졸았다눙~~~^^ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

댓글에 대한 고민이 많았다눙~~~~ 영어로, 한글로?

그냥 마음은 영어로, 타자는 한글로...


your heart = my heart!

니 joy = 나의 joy

your 슬픔 = my  슬픔

Pray for you!!! vkdlxld!^^

2010.02.26 08:10:36

와~ 해석 된다!!

나두 이정도 분량이 되는 영작을 5분 안에 하고 싶다능 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2010.02.26 10:01:58

We are Jesus Generation!!  ♥^________________^♥

2010.02.26 17:40:57

혜진이가 영어찬양을 맡아줘서 참 좋고 다행이고 감사하단 생각이 많이 들고 ^^

위얼 더 쥐저스 제너레이션~

2010.02.27 00:26:47